Sunday, March 2, 2008


My apologies for the delay in the next chapter of Illetai. I've been cleaning out my garage, and in between tossing out all the accumulated crap and sanding and re-finishing the forlorn workbench out there, I discovered I had a really lovely workspace out there. Accordingly, mindful of how I've never had an actual place to spread all my moonbeams out, in a fashion that wouldn't interfere with the quasi-efficiency of the home and hearth, I've gotten out all my music manuscripts of yore and have begun an attempt to actually write music.

Several projects in mind, notably a string quartet and my only (so far) symphony. Illetai will join the faded manuscripts and take it's turn. Right now, I reading the Berlioz-Strauss Treatise on Orchestration, and dreaming the most wildest of dreams. I've never felt more hopeful.